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- 水利工程、輸砂理論、環境水利、計算水力學
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- jcyang@mail.nctu.edu.tw
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- 學歷
- 美國愛荷華大學土木及環境工程博士
- 經歷
- 中華顧問公司水及環境部工程師
國立交通大學土木工程學系系主任 - 著述
- 期刊論文
- 2013 Hsieh, H.M., Luo, C.R, Yang, J.C. and Chen, R. F., (2013). "Numerical study of the effects of check dams on erosion and sedimentation in the Pachang River."
- 2012 鍾浩榮、謝德勇、楊錦釧,「水深平均二維高含砂水流模式之發展研究,台灣水利,62(1),1,民國101年
- 2011 Chung, H.R., Hsieh, T.Y. and Yang, J.C., (2011). "Two Dimensional Shallow–Water Flow Model with Immersed Boundary Method. " Computers & Fluids. 51(1), 145-156.(SCI)
- 2011 Chiang, S.W., Tsai, T.L., and Yang, J.C. (2011). "Conjunction Effect of Stream Water Level and Groundwater Flow for Riverbank Stability Analysis", Environmental Earth Sciences, 62(4), 707-715.
- 2011 Wu, S.J., Ho, L.F., and Yang, J.C., (2011). "Application of nonlinear storage function on runoff estimation. " Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 5, 37-47. (SCI)
- 2011 Wu, S.J., Chen, P.H., and Yang, J.C., (2011). "Application of Weighted Semivariogram Model (WSVM) based on fitness to experimental semivariogram on estimation of rainfall amount." Hydrology and Earth System Science Discussion. 8(2), 4229-4259. (SCI).
- 2010 Wu, S. J., Yang, J. C. and Tung, Y. K., (2010). "Risk analysis for flood-control structure under consideration of uncertainties in design ?ood", Nat. Hazards. (DOI: 10.1007/s11069-010-9653-z)
- 2010 姜世偉、陳弘恩、李瑞廷、蔡東霖、楊錦釧,「水文條件對坡地崩塌影響之現地案例研究」,台灣水利,58(4),25-34,民國99年
- 2009 陳弘恩、張胤隆、姜世偉、蔡東霖、楊錦釧 (2009),「集水區保育治理工程土砂治理成效評估」,工程環境會刊,23,1-14。
- 2009 陳弘恩、張胤隆、姜世偉、蔡東霖、楊錦釧,「集水區保育治理工程土砂治理成效評估」,工程環境會刊,23,1-14,民國98年
- 2009 Wu, S. J., Tung, Y. K., and Yang, J. C. (2009). "Incorporating Daily Rainfall to Derive At-Site Hourly Depth-Duration-Frequency Relationships." Journal of Hydrologic Engineering-Asce, 14(9), 992-1001.
- 2009 Hung, M. C., Hsieh, T. Y., Wu, C, H., and Yang, J. C. (2009). "A Two-Dimensional Nonequilibrium Non-cohesive and Cohesive Sediment Transport Model." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 135(5), 369-382
- 2008 Journal of Coastal Research, 3D Modeling of Flood Induced Flows and Sediment Concentration in Shihmen Reservoir, 2008, Vol.52, Wang, K.H., Yang, J. C. and Wu, C. H
- 2008 sai, T. L., Chen, H. E., and Yang, J. C. (2008). "Numerical modeling rainstorm-induced shallow landslides in saturated and unsaturated soils." Environmental Geology, 55(6), 1269-1277. (SCI, EI)
- 2008 Hung, M. C., Hsieh, T. Y., Tsai, T. L., and Yang, J. C. (2008). "A Layer-Integrated Approach for Shallow Water Free Surface Flow Computation." Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24(12), 1699-1722. (SCI, EI)
- 2008 Wu, R. B. and Yang, J. C. (2008). "An Analytical Method of Stage-Fall-Discharge Rating ", Hydrological Processes,22(16), 2959-2973. (SCI, EI)
- 2008 張胤隆、張哲豪、陳葦庭、朱家興、吳益裕、楊錦釧 (2008),「河川生態工程規劃設計輔助資訊系統建立」,土木水利,35(4),54-66。
- 2007 Chang, Y. L., Tsai, T. L., Yang, J. C., and Tung, Y. K. (2007). Stochastically optimal groundwater management considering land subsidence." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management-Asce, 133(6), 486-498. (SCI, EI).
- 2007 洪夢祺、賴進松、許盈松、楊錦釧,「適度疏浚對橋址束縮沖刷之影響」,台灣水利,55(1),1-11,民國96年
- 2006 Wu, S. J., Yang, J. C., and Tung, Y. K. (2006). "Identification and stochastic generation of representative rainfall temporal patterns in Hong Kong territory." Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 20(3), 171-183. (SCI).
- 2006 Tsai, T. L., and Yang, J. C. (2006). "Modeling of rainfall-triggered shallow landslide." Environmental Geology, 50(4), 525-534. (SCI, EI)
- 2006 Wu, S. J., Tung, Y. K., and Yang, J. C. (2006). "Stochastic generation of hourly rainstorm events." Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 21(2), 195-212. (SCI).
- 2006 Tsai, T. L., Chiang, S. W., and Yang, J. C. (2006). "Examination of characteristics method with cubic interpolation for advection-diffusion equation." Computers & Fluids, 35(10), 1217-1227. (SCI, EI)
- 2005 Tsai, T. L., Tseng, C. M., and Yang, J. C. (2005). "Fractional steps scheme of finite analytic method for advection-diffusion equation." Journal of Engineering Mechanics-Asce, 131(1), 23-30. (SCI, EI) (NSC90-2211-E-009- 063).
- 2005 Tsai, T. L., and Yang, J. C. (2005). "Kinematic wave modeling of overland flow using characteristics method with cubic-spline interpolation." Advances in Water Resources, 28(7), 661-670. (SCI, EI)
- 2005 Hsieh, T. Y., and Yang, J. C. (2005). "Numerical examination on the secondary-current effect for contaminant transport in curved channel." Journal of Hydraulic Research, 43(6), 644-659. (SCI, EI)
- 2005 Hsieh, T. Y., and Yang, J. C. (2005). "Closure to "Investigation on the suitability of two-dimensional depth-averaged models for bend-flow simulation" by T. Y. Hsieh and J. C. Yang." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 131(7), 628-628. (SCI, EI).
- 2004 蔡東霖、邱彬晟、楊錦釧,「坡地破壞潛能模式之建立與探討」,中華水土保持學報,民國93年。
- 2004 吳祥禎,張哲豪,湯有光,楊錦釧,楊豐榮,「阿公店水庫更新改善工程施工期間之水文風險分析」,台灣水利52(1),39-49,民國93年
- 2004 Tsai, T. L., Yang, J. C., and Huang, L. H. (2004). "Characteristics method using cubic-spline interpolation for advection-diffusion equation." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 130(6), 580-585. (SCI)(EI)
- 2004 Hsieh, T. Y., and Yang, J. C. (2004) "Implicit Two-Step Split-Operator Approach for Modeling Two-Dimensional Open Channel Flow." J. Hydro-science and Hydraulic Engineering, 22(2), 113-139. (NSC88-2211-E-009-032).
- 2004 Tsai, T. L., Chiang, S. W., and Yang, J. C. (2004). "Characteristics method with cubic-spline interpolation for open channel flow computation." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 46(6), 663-683. (SCI)(EI) (NSC89-2211-E-009-091)
- 2003 Hsieh, T. Y., and Yang, J. C. (2003). "Investigation on the suitability of two-dimensional depth-averaged models for bend-flow simulation." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 129(8), 597-612. (SCI)(EI) (NSC86-2621-E-009-016).
- 2003 吳瑞濱,楊錦釧,顏本琦,「理論率定曲線應用在天然河段之評估探討」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十五卷,第二期,241-252,民國92年
- 2003 謝德勇、楊錦釧,「河道水深平均二維沉滓運移模式之發展研究」,台灣水利,51(1),52-66,民國92年。
- 2002 張胤隆,蔡東霖,楊錦釧,「考量地層下陷之地下水優化模式之建立與探討」,台灣水利,50(4),83-95,民國91年
- 2002 Tsai, T. L., Yang, J. C., and Huang, L. H. (2002). "Hybrid finite-difference scheme for solving the dispersion equation." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 128(1), 78-86. (SCI)(EI) (NSC88 -2211-E-002-51)
- 2001 Tsai, T. L., Yang, J. C., and Huang, L. H. (2001). "An accurate integral-based scheme for advection-diffusion equation." Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 17(10), 701-713. (SCI)(EI) (NSC87-2211-E-002-51).
- 2001 連和政,葉克家,楊錦釧,「採沙坑運移之數值模擬」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十三卷,第三期,619-627,民國90年
- 2000 Hsu, C. T., Yeh, K. C., and Yang, J. C. (2000). "Depth-averaged two-dimensional curvilinear explicit finite analytic model for open-channel flows." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 33(2), 175-202. (SCI)(EI).
- 1999 蔡東霖,黃良雄,楊錦釧,「修正擬三維概念之地下水模擬」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十一卷,第四期,819-827,民國88年。
- 1999 Lien, H. C., Hsieh, T. Y., and Yang, J. C. (1999). "Use of two-step split-operator approach for 2D shallow water flow computation." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 30(5), 557-575. (SCI)(EI) (NSC84-2211-E-009-033)
- 1999 Lien, H. C., Hsieh, T. Y., Yang, J. C., and Yeh, K. C. (1999). "Bend-flow simulation using 2D depth-averaged model." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 125(10), 1097-1108. (SCI)(EI) (NSC85-2211-E-009-034).
- 1998 蔡東霖,吳俊賢,黃良雄,楊錦釧,「分層分區地層下陷模式」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第十卷,第四期,617-626,民國87年
- 1997 Yeh, K. C., Yang, J. C., and Tung, Y. K. (1997). "Regionalization of unit hydrograph parameters .2. Uncertainty analysis." Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 11(2), 173-192. (SCI).
- 1997 Chang, C. H., Yang, J. C., and Tung, Y. K. (1997). "Uncertainty analysis by point estimate methods incorporating marginal distributions." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 123(3), 244-250. (SCI)(EI).
- 1997 Zhao, B., Tung, Y. K., Yeh, K. C., and Yang, J. C. (1997). "Storm resampling for uncertainty analysis of a multiple-storm unit hydrograph." Journal of Hydrology, 194(1-4), 366-384. (SCI)(EI).
- 1997 Lee, H. Y., Hsieh, H. M., Yang, J. C., and Yang, C. T. (1997). "Quasi-two-dimensional simulation of scour and deposition in alluvial channels." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 123(7), 600-609. (SCI)(EI).
- 1997 Tung, Y. K., Yeh, K. C., and Yang, J. C. (1997). "Regionalization of unit hydrograph parameters .1. Comparison of regression analysis techniques." Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 11(2), 145-171. (SCI).
- 1997 Zhao, B., Tung, Y. K., Yeh, K. C., and Yang, J. C. (1997). "Reliability analysis of hydraulic structures considering unit hydrograph uncertainty." Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 11(1), 33-50. (SCI).
- 1995 Chang, C. H., Tung, Y. K., and Yang, J. C. (1995). "Evaluation of Probability Point Estimate Methods." Applied Mathematical Modelling, 19(2), 95-105. (SCI)(EI).
- 1995 Zhao, B., Tung, Y. K., and Yang, J. C. (1995). "Estimation of Unit-Hydrograph by Ridge Least-Squares Method." Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-Asce, 121(3), 253-259. (SCI)(EI).
- 1995 Zhao, B., Tung, Y. K., Yeh, K. C., and Yang, J. C. (1995). "Statistical Validation Methods - Application to Unit Hydrographs." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 121(8), 618-624. (SCI)(EI).
- 1994 Tung, Y. K., and Yang, J. C. (1994). "Probabilistic evaluations of economic merit of water resource projects." Water Resources Management, 8(3), 203-223. (EI).
- 1994 Zhao, B., Tung, Y. K., and Yang, J. C. (1994). "Determination of Unit Hydrographs by Multiple Storm Analysis." Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 8(4), 269-280. (SCI).
- 1994 Chang, C. H., Tung, Y. K., and Yang, J. C. (1994). "Monte-Carlo Simulation for Correlated Variables with Marginal Distributions." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 120(3), 313-331. (SCI)(EI).
- 1993 Tung, Y. K., Wang, P. U., and Yang, J. C. (1993) "Water resources projects evaluation and ranking under economic uncertainty." International Journal of Water Resources Management, 7(4), 311-333. (EI).
- 1993 Chang, C. H., Yang, J. C., and Tung, Y. K. (1993). "Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of a Sediment Transport Model - a Global Approach." Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 7(4), 299-314. (SCI).
- 1993 Yang, J. C., and Chiu, K. P. (1993). "Use of Characteristics Method with Cubic Interpolation for Unsteady-Flow Computation." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 16(4), 329-345. (SCI)(EI).
- 1992 Yang, J. C., Chen, K. N., and Lee, H. Y. (1992). "Accurate computation for rapidly varied flow in an open channel." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 14(3), 361-374. (SCI)(EI).
- 1991 Yang, J. C., and Hsu, E. L. (1991). "On the use of the reach-back characteristics method for calculation of dispersion." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 12(3), 225-235. (SCI)(EI).
- 1991 Tseng, C. H., Kao, K. Y., and Yang, J. C. (1991) "Optimal design of a pilot OTEC power plant in Taiwan." Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 113(4), 294-299. (SCI)(EI).
- 1991 Yang, J. C., Chen, K. N., and Lee, H. Y. (1991). "Investigation of use of reach-back characteristics method for 2D dispersion equation." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 13(7), 841-855. (SCI)(EI).
- 1990 Liaw, D.M. and Yang, J.C., “Numerical modelling of two-dimensional unsteady flow in open channel”, Proceedings of the 5th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, July, 1990
- 1990 Yang, J. C., and Wang, J. Y. (1990). Coupled simulation of transient bed evolution in alluvial channels. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 35(3), 263-284. (SCI)(EI).
- 1990 Yang, J. C., and Hsu, E. L. (1990). "Time-line interpolation for solution of the dispersion equation." Journal of Hydraulic Research, 28(4), 503-520. (SCI)(EI).
- 1989 Yang, J. C., (1989) Discussion on Numerical simulation of degradation of alluvial channel beds by I. Park and S. C. Jain. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce, 115(5), 692. (SCI)(EI).
- 1988 Yang, J. C., and Wang, J. Y. (1988). Numerical solution of dispersion equation in one dimension. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 11(4), 379-383. (EI)
- 1988 Yang, J. C., (1988) Investigation of use of temporal interpolation for characteristics method. The Chinese Journal of Mechanics, 4(2), Dec. (EI)
- 研討會論文
- 2012 Chang, Y. L., Chen, C. H., and Yang, J. C. (2012). "Application of Two-Dimensional Mobile Bed Model on the Evaluation of Stream Macro and Micro Habitats." The 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012, Vienna, Austria.
- 2012 姜世偉、楊錦釧,「攔河堰對指標物種可用棲地面積影響之研究-以鳳山溪新埔大橋攔河堰為例」,第十六屆海峽兩岸水利科技交流研討會,合肥,民國101年10月。
- 2011 鍾浩榮、陳彥酉、謝德勇、楊錦釧,「橋墩水深平均二維沖刷模式之發展研究」,第二十屆水利工程研討會,台灣嘉義,民國100年12月
- 2011 鍾浩榮、陳彥酉、謝德勇、楊錦釧,「橋墩周圍垂向流場之推估研究」,第二十屆水利工程研討會,台灣嘉義,民國100年12月。
- 2011 陳建華、謝德勇、楊錦釧,「水深平均二維岩床沖刷模式之發展」,第二十屆水利工程研討會,台灣嘉義,民國100年12月
- 2011 Chen, H. E., Tsai, T. L., and Yang, J. C. (2011). "Rainfall-Triggered Landslide Modeling of Conjunctive Surface Runoff and Subsurface Flows." The 64th Canadian Water Resources Association National Conference, St. John’s NL, Canada.
- 2011 姜世偉、張胤隆、楊錦釧,「長期沖淤對河川棲地歧異度影響之研究-以鳳山溪為例」,第二十屆水利工程研討會,台灣嘉義,民國100年12月
- 2011 Chang, Y. L., Huang, C. Y., Tsai, T. L., Chen, H. E., and Yang, J. C. (2011). "Opt i m a l Groundwater Quantity Management for Land Subsidence Control." The 3rd IASTED International Conference on Environmental Management and Engineering, Calgary AB, Canada.
- 2011 Chang, Y. L., Chen, C. H., Yang, J. C., and Hsu, C. T. (2011). "The Investigation for the Effects of Spur Dikes on Stream Physical Habitat – A Case Study in Touchien River, Taiwan." The 64th Canadian Water Resources Association National Conference, St. John’s NL, Canada.
- 2011 Hung, S.H., Chung, H.R., Hsieh, T.Y., and Yang, J.C.(2011), “Study of a semi-3D model for bend flow in open channel.”, 11th International Conference on “Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization”, KEELUNG, TAIWAN.
- 2010 黃群玲、姜世偉、蔡東霖、楊錦釧,「降雨以及河川水位洩降下對河岸崩塌之影響分析探討」,第十九屆水利工程研討會,民國99年9月
- 2010 姜世偉、陳弘恩、蔡東霖、楊錦釧,「考量土壤近似飽和以及未飽和條件下對降雨引發坡地崩塌之影響條件」,第十九屆水利工程研討會,民國99年9月。
- 2010 姜世偉、陳弘恩、蔡東霖、楊錦釧,「考量土壤近似飽和以及未飽和條件下對降雨引發坡地崩塌之影響條件」,第十九屆水利工程研討會,民國99年9月。
- 2010 Chang, Y. L., Tsai, T. L. and Yang, J. C. (2010). "Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Rainfall Triggered Shallow Landslide." The 10th International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics and the 5th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Quebec City, Canada.
- 2010 Chen, H. E., Chang, Y. L., Tsai, T. L., and Yang, J. C. (2010). "Analysis on Regional Landslide Potential for Reservoir Watershed." The 10th International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics and the 5th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Quebec City, Canada.
- 2009 楊錦釧、張胤隆、姜世偉、王順加、吳益裕,「河川生態工程設計要點及護岸穩定分析模式研究」,台灣省桃園農田水利會創會90周年學術研討會論文集。
- 2009 王文祿、吳祥楨、謝德勇、洪法瑾、張震澤、楊錦釧,「河川尋常洪水位行水區域中劃設一定範圍之法理基礎」,第十八屆水利工程研討會,民國98年7月
- 2009 吳歆淳、吳祥楨、楊錦釧,「區域降雨序列推估模式之發展與應用」,第十八屆水利工程研討會,民國98年7月
- 2009 王文祿、謝德勇、吳祥楨、楊錦釧,「德國洪災保險經驗對我國洪氾管理制度變革之啟示」,第十八屆水利工程研討會,民國98年7月
- 2009 賴鏡如、吳祥楨、楊錦釧、湯有光,「河防構造物功能風險分析架構之研究」,第十八屆水利工程研討會,民國98年7月
- 2008 吳瑞濱、楊錦釧,「水位流量率定方法之新思維」,第十八屆水利工程研討會,民國97年7月。
- 2008 Su, H.T., Chang, Y.L., Tsai, T.L. and Yang, J.C. (2008). "Development and application of risk assessment model for rainfall-triggered shallow landslide", Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications, Hong Kong, China.
- 2008 Chen, C.H., Hsieh T.Y. and Yang J.C. (2008). "Cross-Wave simulation in curved channel", 2nd International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Hong Kong, China.
- 2008 Chung, H.R., Hsieh T.Y. and Yang J.C. (2008). "Use of immersed boundary method for open channel flow computation", 2nd International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Hong Kong, China
- 2008 陳建華、謝德勇、楊錦釧,「石門水庫泥砂沉滓運移特性模擬」,第十七屆水利工程研討會,民國97年8月
- 2008 鍾浩榮、謝德勇、楊錦釧,「水深平均高含砂水流模式發展與應用」,第十七屆水利工程研討會,民國97年8月。
- 2008 吳祥禎、陳柏宏、楊錦釧,「權重克利金模式之發展與應用」,第十七屆水利工程研討會,民國97年8月
- 2007 王文祿、楊錦釧,「論美國加州沙加緬度地區加徵洪水稅案之啟示」,第十六屆水利工程研討會,民國96年7月。
- 2007 邱欣瑜、謝德勇、楊錦釧,「彎道效應對縱向延散係數之影響分析研究」,第十六屆水利工程研討會,民國96年8月。
- 2007 Wang, K.H. and Yang, J.C., “Three-dimensional modeling of flood induced flows and sediment concentration in Shihmen Reservoir in Taiwan”, FLUCOME, Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 2007.
- 2007 王文祿、楊錦釧,“論美國加州沙加緬度地區加徵洪水稅案之啟示” ,第十六屆水利工程研討會,民國96年7月。
- 2007 邱欣瑜、謝德勇、楊錦釧,“彎道效應對縱向延散係數之影響分析研究”,第十六屆水利工程研討會,民國96年8月。
- 2007 謝德勇、張哲豪、吳祥禎、楊錦釧,“降雨逕流模式與氣候預報系統整合應用”,第十六屆水利工程研討會,民國96年8月
- 2007 郭遠錦、蔡東霖、黃良雄、楊錦釧,“地下水數值模式於現地抽水試驗之應用”,第十六屆水利工程研討會,民國96年8月
- 2007 陳建華、謝德勇、楊錦釧,“彎道超臨界流交波現象模擬之分析”,第十六屆水利工程研討會,民國96年8月。
- 2007 郭遠錦、蔡東霖、黃良雄、楊錦釧,「地下水數值模式於現地抽水試驗之應用」,第十六屆水利工程研討會,民國96年8月。
- 2007 謝德勇、張哲豪、吳祥禎、楊錦釧,「降雨逕流模式與氣候預報系統整合應用」,第十六屆水利工程研討會,民國96年8月。
- 2006 王文祿,楊錦釧, “美國卡崔娜颶風洪災對我國「國土復育策略方案暨行動計畫」中洪氾管理政策的啟示”, 第四屆土地學術研討會,民國95年10月。
- 2006 謝德勇、劉繼仁、朱家興、陳清茂、楊錦釧,“頭前溪中正橋段底床固床工對河性影響之研究”,第十五屆水利工程研討會,民國95年7月。
- 2006 王文祿,楊錦釧, “卡崔娜颶風對美國洪災保險制度的挑戰”, 第十五屆水利工程研討會,民國95年7月
- 2006 Chang, C.H., Hsieh, T.Y., and Yang, J.C. (2006) “Flood Early Warning System in Taiwan.” International Symposium on “Recent Flood Disasters in East Asia and Countermeasures against Them”, Kyoto, Japan
- 2006 王文祿,楊錦釧, “洪氾管理制度之探討”, 第二十一屆近代工程技術暨第二十八屆中美工商聯合會議,民國95年9月
- 2005 Hsieh, T.Y., and Yang, J.C. (2005). “Development and Application of A Two- Dimensional Fine-Grain Sediment Transport Model.” The 8th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport, INTERCOH 2005, Saga, Japan.
- 2003 T.L Tsai, J.C. Yang, and L. H. Huang, “Investigation of endpoint constraints of cubic-spline interpolation for advection-diffusion equation”, XXX IAHR congress, Thessonoliki, Greece, September 24-29, 2003
- 2002 Hsu, Y.S., Chiang, K.Y. and Yang, J.C., “Techniques for treating reservoir sedimentation as renewed resources”, The 15th AIT-TECRO Water Resources Program Annual Review Meeting 2002.
- 2002 Hsieh, T.Y., Yang, J.C., Chang, C.H., and Pen, S.C., “Effect of Stony Debris Flow on Design Discharge for Tung-Pu-Ray Creek.” Proc., 5th Japan-Chinese Joint Seminar on Natural Hazard Mitigation, Tainan, Taiwan, 2002.
- 2000 Tsai, T.L., Yang, J.C., and Huang, L.H., “An accurate higher-order finite difference scheme for dispersion equation.”, Proceedings of 11th hydraulic engineering conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2000
- 2000 Hsieh, T.Y., Hsu, C.T., Lien, H.C., and Yang, J.C., “Use of A 2-D Flow Model for Assessing Flood-Control Plans”, Hydrodynamics IV, Japan, 2000.
- 1999 Hung, M.C., Shieh, S. and Yang, J.C., “Methodologies for Regional Drainage Improvements-A Case Study for Tan-Dee-Yang Area”, Proceedings of ’99 International Symposium on Flood Control, Beijing, November 1999.
- 1998 Lien, H.C., Yang, J.C., and Yeh, K.C., “Simulation of Circular Basin Flow Using Two-Step Split-Operator Approach.”, 1998
- 1998 Hsieh, T.Y., and Yang, J.C., “A Comprehensive Unsteady Depth-Averaged Model with Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate System.”, Hydrosoft’98, 1998
- 1997 Lien, H.C., Yeh, K.C. and Yang, J.C., “Numerical simulation of the pit migration”, Proceeding of the 27th Congress of IAHR, 1997
- 1997 Yang, J.C., Yeh, K.C., and Tung, Y.K. “Method for performance evaluation of hydrologic and hydraulic models.” In: Stochastic Hydraulics ‘1997, edited by Ian Goulter and Kevin Tickvin, p.221-228, A.A. Balkema Publishers, Netherlands.
- 1996 Yang, J.C., Chang, C.H., and Wu, C.M., “Global approach for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a sedimentation model ”, Sixth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, March, 1996
- 1996 Lien, H.C., Yang, J.C., and Yeh, K.C., “Bend flow simulation using a depth averaged two-dimensional model”, Hydrosoft‘96, 1996
- 1996 Lien, H.C., Yang, J.C., and Yeh, K.C., “Bend flow simulation using a depth averaged two-dimensional model”, Hydrosoft‘96, 1996.
- 1995 Yang, J.C. Yeh K.C., and Wu, J.D. “Model evaluation for HEC-6”, presented in 1995 Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation Processes and Model Evaluation, San Francisco, California, July, 1995.
- 1994 Yang, J.C., Yeh K.C., Tung, Y.K., Lee, H.Y., Tsai, C.T., Chang, C.H., and Wu, C.M., “Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a sediment transport model”, Proceedings of ROC-South Africa Bilateral Symposium on Water Resources. December, 1994
- 1993 Yang, J. C. and Yeh K.C., “Testing experience and discussion on RESSED model” presented in 1993 Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model Evaluation, San Francisco, 1993.
- 1993 Wu, C.M., Tung, Y.K., Yang, J.C.,, and Chang, J.H., “Comparison of uncertainty analysis techniques for sediment transport model” ,International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Washington DC, June, 1993
- 1993 Yeh, K.C., Wu, C.M., Yang, J.C., and Li, S.J., “Nonuniform transient sediment transport modeling”, 1993 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and International Symposium on Engineering Hydrology, San Francisco, July, 1993
- 1993 Yang, J.C. Tarng, S.Y., and Tung, Y.K., “Analyzing uncertainty of IUH of Nash”, 1993 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and International Symposium on Engineering Hydrology, San Francisco, July, 1993
- 1993 Yang, J.C. and Yeh K.C., “Testing experience and discussion on TWODSR model”, presented in 1993 Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model Evaluation, San Francisco, 1993.
- 1993 Yang, J.C. and Yeh K.C., “Testing experience and discussion on HEC6 model”, presented in 1993 Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model Evaluation, San Francisco, 1993.
- 1993 Yeh, K.C. and Yang, J.C., “Testing experience and discussion on ACRONYM model”, presented in 1993 Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model Evaluation, San Francisco, 1993.
- 1993 Yeh, K.C. and Yang, J.C., “Testing experience and discussion on HEC2SR model”, presented in 1993 Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model‘ Evaluation, San Francisco, 1993.
- 1993 Yang, J.C. and Wu, C.I., “Sediment transport modeling by coupling technique”, proceedings of 3rd ROC and Japan Joint Seminar on Natural Hazards Mitigation, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Nov., 1993. (invited paper)
- 1993 Yeh K.C., and Yang, J.C., “Testing experience and discussion on XSUFMB model”, presented in 1993 Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Segimenation and Model Evaluation, San Francisco, 1993.
- 1992 Yang, J.C., Lee, H.P., and J.H. Chang, “Pollutant transport modelling for a complex river system”, 4th International Conference on Hydraulic Engineering Software, Hydrosoft‘92, Valencia, Spain, 1992
- 1992 Yeh, K.C., Tung, Y.K., and Yang, J.C., “Uncertainty and reliability analyses of pit migration model”, Sixth IAHR International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, May, 1992
- 1992 Tung, Y.K., Zhao, B., Yang, J.C., and Tarng, S.Y., “Assessment of uncertainty of unit hydrograph and its implications in hydraulic structure designs”, Sixth IAHR International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, May,1992
- 1992 Chang, J.H., Tung, Y.K., Yang, J.C., and Yeh, K.C., “Uncertainty analysis of a computerized sediment transport model”, Sixth IAHR International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, May, 1992
- 1992 Yang, J.C., and Yeh K.C., and Wu C.M., “Numerical simulation of transien sediment laden flow in an alluvial channel”, 5th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Karlsruche, FRG, April, 1992
- 1992 Hsu, Hong-Hsi and Yang, J.C.,, “The drought occurrence and response measures in Taiwan area-1991”. Water Forum ‘92, Baltimore, MD, August, 1992.
- 1991 Yang, J.C., and Yeh K.C., “Testing experience and discussion on XSUFMB model”, presented in Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model Evaluation, Washington, D.C., December, 1991.
- 1991 Yang, J.C., and Chiu, K.P., “Numerical simulation of transient suspended sediment transport in an alluvial channel”, International Symposium on the Transport of Suspended Sediments and its Mathematical Modelling, Florence, Italy, Sep. 1991
- 1991 Hsu, K., Lee. H.Y., and Yang, J.C., “Life Extension of Wu-Chieh reservoir in Taiwan: sediment distribution study”, Energy in the 90s--a Specialty Conference of the Energy Division, ASCE, 1991.
- 1991 Yang, J.C., and Chiu, K.P., “Numerical simulation of transient flow in an alluvial channel”, Fifth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, US, March, 1991.
- 1991 Lee, H.P., Yang, J.C., and Lee, H.Y., “A study in the prevention and managment of nonpoint source pollution”, International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 1991, Perth, Western Australia, Oct., 1991.
- 1991 Yang, J.C., and Chiu, K.P., “Numerical simulation of transient suspended sediment transport in an alluvial channel”, International Symposium on the Transport of Suspended Sediments and its Mathematical Modelling, Florence, Italy, Sep. 1991
- 1991 Yeh K.C., and Yang, J.C. “Testing experience and discussion on HEC2SR model”, presented in Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model Evaluation, Washington, D.C., December, 1991.
- 1991 Yeh K.C., and Yang, J.C. “Testing experience and discussion on ACRONYM model”, presented in Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model Evaluation, Washington, D.C., December, 1991.
- 1991 Yang, J.C., and Yeh K.C., “Testing experience and discussion on TWODSR model”, presented in Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model Evaluation, Washington, D.C., December, 1991
- 1991 Yang, J.C., and Yeh K.C., “Testing experience and discussion on RESSED model”, presented in Bilateral Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation and Model Evaluation, Washington, D.C., December, 1991.
- 1991 Hsu, K., Lee. H.Y., and Yang, J.C., “Life Extension of Wu-Chieh reservoir in Taiwan: sediment distribution study”, Energy in the 90s--a Specialty Conference of the Energy Division, ASCE, 1991.
- 1991 Hsu, K., Lee. H.Y., and Yang, J.C., “Life Extension of Wu-Chieh reservoir in Taiwan: sediment distribution study”, Energy in the 90s--a Specialty Conference of the Energy Division, ASCE, 1991.
- 1991 Yang, J.C., and Chiu, K.P., “Numerical simulation of transient flow in an alluvial channel”, Fifth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, US, March, 1991
- 1991 Lee, H.P., Yang, J.C., and Lee, H.Y., “A study in the prevention and managment of nonpoint source pollution”, International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 1991, Perth, Western Australia, Oct., 1991.
- 1990 Yang, J.C., et al. “Optimal design of a pilot OTEC power plant in Taiwan”, World Renewable Energy Congress, UK, September, 1990
- 1990 Yang, J.C., Chiu, K.P., and Wu, M.Y., “Numerical simulation of bed evolution along the downstream channel of a reservoir”, Hydrology in Mountainous Regions Ⅱ, IAHS Publication No. 194, 1990
- 1990 Yang, J.C., and Chen, K.N., “A generalized characteristics method for calculation of dispersion”, Proceedings of the 5th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, July, 1990
- 1989 Yang, J.C., and Hsu, E.L., “Numerical simulation of dike-breach inundation along the Cho-Shui river in Taiwan”, 2nd National Hydrology Symposium, British Hydrological Society, September, 1989
- 1989 Yang, J.C., Wang, J.Y., and Wang, C.L., “Semi-coupled simulation of unsteady nonuniform sediment transport in alluvial channel”, Proceedings of 23rd IAHR Congress, Canada, August, 1989
- 1989 Yang, J.C., and Wang, J.Y., “Numerical simulation of transient sediment transport in alluvial channel”, Proceedings of International Conference on Channel flow and Catchment Runoff, The University of Virginia, May, 1989
- 1985 Holly, F.M., and Yang, J.C., “Numerical modelling of bed evolution in braided-channel system”, ASCE Hydraulic Division Specialty Conference, 1985.
- 1983 Liu,H., Yang, J.C., et al., “Taipower‘s wind energy development plan”, Wind Energy Conference, 1983
- 1983 Liu, H., Yang, J.C., et al., “The Chi Mei wind energy demonstration project”, The 6th Biennial Wind Energy Conference, 1983
- 研究實績
- 2013 地層下陷地區防洪排水策略研擬-總計畫暨子計畫:地層下陷地區防洪排水策略研
- 2015 高時空解析度淹水模擬結合三維視覺展示研究(1/2)
- 2014 蜿蜒河道沖淤及偏移行為之模擬分析 (2/3)
- 2014 蜿蜒河道沖淤及偏移行為之模擬分析(二)
- 2013 在斜坡底床上水生植物分布對於自然對流(熱驅動流)的影響
- 2013 都會區區排護岸安全分佈式監測及分析模式之研究(1/2)
- 2013 降雨期間影響邊坡穩定機制研究
- 2013 蜿蜒河道沖淤及偏移行為之模擬分析(一)
- 2013 蜿蜒河道沖淤行為擬三維模擬試驗及應用(1/3)
- 2004 生態工法分析模式及設計要點研究
- 2004 地下水質量傳輸模式之發展與現地試驗研究(2/3)
- 2002 治水政策綱領研究計畫
- 2002 洪氾區劃設準則及模式研究(3/4)
- 2002 水庫沈滓運移模式研究與應用(1/2)--以石門水庫為例
- 2002 海岸地區地陷潛能與危險評估技術(2/3)
- 2002 橋樑上下游段適度疏浚對橋樑基礎沖刷影響研究
- 2000 洪氾區劃設準則及模式研究
- 2000 高屏溪率定曲線之評估探討
- 2011 農田水利經營管理人才培訓體系研究計畫及國際交流合作計畫(一)
- 2001 海岸地區地陷潛能與危險評估技術
- 2001 洪氾區劃設準則及模式研究(第二年)
- 2001 台北市排水系統檢討規劃—整體資料復核及成果審查(第一期)
- 2006 石門水庫集水區崩塌與庫區淤積風險評估研究(1/3)
- 2006 高含砂水流整治規劃條件檢討及計算模式研發應用
- 2006 河川生態工法規劃設計輔助資訊系統建置研究(1/3)
- 2006 降雨逕流模式與氣候預報系統整合應用
- 2005 生態工法分析模式及設計要點研究(2/2)
- 2005 洪氾區劃設法制化與整合管理系統建置之研究
- 2005 頭前溪中正橋段跨河及河防構造物對整體河性影響之研究(1/1)
- 2005 地下水質量傳輸模式之發展與現地試驗研究(3/3)
- 2008 影響水利建造物(蓄水建造物除外)功能之風險因子探討與分析程序之建立(2/2)
- 2008 高含砂水流整治規劃條件檢討及計算模式研發應用(3/3)
- 2008 砂質河川深槽變遷對河防建造物安全影響之分析(1/2)
- 2008 石門水庫集水區崩塌與庫區淤積風險評估研究(3/3)
- 2008 河川生態工法規劃設計輔助資訊系統建置研究(3/3)
- 2010 砂岩層河床深槽沖刷偏移對河道穩定之影響分析(1/3)
- 2010 水庫集水區區域性高精度崩塌潛勢之分析研究(2/3)
- 2009 高含砂水流河道沖淤模擬及試驗研究(1/3)
- 2009 砂質河川深槽變遷對河防建造物安全影響之分析(2/2)
- 2009 水庫集水區區域性高精度崩塌潛勢之分析研究(1/3)
- 2009 河川生態工程對水域流場與物理棲地條件影響之評估與研究—以頭前溪與鳳山溪為例(1/2)
- 2010 河川生態工程對水域流場與物理棲地條件影響之評估與研究—以頭前溪與鳳山溪為例(2/2)
- 2007 影響水利建造物(蓄水建造物除外)功能之風險因子探討與分析程序之建立 (1/2)
- 2007 高含砂水流整治規劃條件檢討及計算模式研發應用(2/3)
- 2007 河川生態工法規劃設計輔助資訊系統建置研究(2/3)
- 2011 砂岩層河床深槽沖刷偏移對河道穩定之影響分析(2/3)
- 2011 全球氣候變遷趨勢下因應巨災型洪災對策之研究(2/2)
- 2011 水庫集水區區域性高精度崩塌潛勢之分析研究(3/3)