Technical Studies


Field Verification of Geological Data for the Basins of Rivers Administered by Central Government Hualien, Jishui, and Puzi River

A geological Geographic Information System (GGIS) for the basins of rivers administered by the Water Resource Agency was established and periodically updated in the previous (2004-2012) projects. During 2004-2012, field verification was carried out in 19 river basins (including the Lanyang, Fongshan, Touchien, Jhonggan, Houlong, Da-an, Dajia, Wu, Jhuoshuei, Beigang, Bazhang, Zengwun, Yanshui, Erren, Agongdian, Gaoping, Donggang, DanShui, and Huang River basins) to confirm and to establish the data sets of geo-hazard, geologic outcrop, aerial-photo interpretation, and geologic interpretation of these basins in the GGIS.

The objectives of the 2013 project covered (1) the collection of new data, (2) the field verification of the Hualien, Jishui, and Puzi River basins, (3) the maintenance of GGIS and its user interfaces, and (4) training courses.

The total numbers of verification sites of the basin verified in Hualien, Jishui, and Puzi River basins are 383, which include 56 rock outcrops and geologic structures, 276 sites of riverbed conditions, 12 of geo-hazards, and 33 sites of geologic interpretation. The verification results were compiled and built into the GGIS system.