Quasi-3D Simulation and Experimental Study on Scour andDeposition Behavior of Meandering Channel (1/3)
The purpose of this study is to examine channel stability which is influenced by the migration process of a meandering channel byinvestigating sediment transport mechanism with compound cross sections throughcharacteristics analysis and field investigation. Theoretical analysis on an application study is employed toannotate theguidelines for hydraulic engineers in their designing and planning.
The annual report of this research project analyzedthe channel stability of a meandering channel on channel stability through a bank failure experiment. Moreover, this study also developeda quasi-3D model based on a vertical-horizontal splitting (VHS) method to analyze the complex field in openchannel. In horizontal, the surface elevation and depth-averaged velocity components are computed by 2D depth-averaged model. In vertical, the 3D velocity profile of Navier-Stokes equations is assumed equal to the depth-averaged velocity plus the deviation of velocity profile, and then the vertical governing equations can be hence derived by subtracting the 2D depth-averaged equations to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations.
Finally, the quasi -3D model was applied to a specific reach in Youluo River. Simulation results including bend flow, lateral flow and complex field near spur dike are also presented in the reort.The outcome of this study onYouluo River River will be valuable for future improvement projects.