The integration and application of real-time slope stability analysis on the disaster prevention information system
Taiwan is one of the most densely populated countries over the world. Besides, two thirds of the area is hilly rendering unavoidable hillside development. To mitigate the landslide-related disasters, efficient and accurate landslide susceptibility analysis and early-warning system are required for the slopes in which the communities are located nearby.
The concept of rainfall threshold is widely applied in the works regarding landslide susceptibility analysis and early-warning system. However, the rainfall characteristic is varied due to the variability of rainfall amount, duration, and pattern. The preparatory factors such as the geology and topology are also varied due to the inherent heterogeneity. Does the rainfall threshold still exist and how will it be changed under different combinations of rainfall characteristic and preparatory factors? To develop efficient and accurate landslide susceptibility analysis and early-warning system, one should analyze the influence of variability of preparatory and triggering factors on the slope stability.
This study attempts to analyze the landslide process and the transient distribution of pore water pressure and factor of safety through the 1D and 2D slope stability analysis models. Besides, the influence of the interaction between preparatory and triggering factors on the slope stability will also be analyzed. Finally, the real-time slope stability analysis and early-warning framework will be proposed.