Field Displacement Monitoring and Slope Stability Analysis for Hungtsaiping Landslide (I)
Hungtsaiping Landslide covers hundreds of hectors, the mechanism of land mass movement is complicated. Research of this landslide, either through displacement monitoring above or below ground surface or analytical studies from mechanics point of view can be difficult. There are many more similar large scale slopes in Taiwan that are potentially unstable. The collapse of these slopes can be devastating. It would be of great help in reducing these geological hazards, if effective means in monitoring and analyzing the stability of these large scale slopes can be established. The project will concentrate on the stability monitoring and analysis of Hungtsaiping Landslide. Advanced monitoring techniques to be applied will include the newly developed fiber optic sensors, analysis of digital images from satellite or remote controlled helicopter, and LIDAR. The research team will also drill boreholes to take rock samples, install inclinometer casings and ground water monitoring wells. The mechanism of the landslide will be evaluated by back calculations, using the field monitoring data and strength characteristics of the rock samples. The experience gained in this project will serve as a model for long tem landslide movement monitoring and research. Recommendations as to the subjects for future research will also be provided in this project.