Chih-Ping Lin Chief Director
Chihpin Huang Professor
Yen-Po Wang Professor
Tee-Ann Teo Professor
Meng-Chia Weng Professor
Dong-Sin Shih Professor
Chia Ming Lo Professor
Ernian Pan Professor
Vvn Weian Chao Associate Professor
Josh Tsun-Hua Yang Associate Professor
Hsueh-Cheng Wang Associate Professor
Yeou-Koung Tung Chair Professor
Tian-Yuan Shih Project Professor
Keh-Chia Yeh Visiting Professor
Yii-Wen Pan Visiting Professor
Jyh-Jong Liao Visiting Professor
Sheau-Ling Hsieh Visiting Associate Professor

Hsueh-Cheng Wang
Associate Professor
- Research Interests
- Autonomous Vehicle, Field Robotics, Machine Perception, Assistive Technology
- Ext
- 54344
- hchengwang@gmail.com
- Other Contact Information
- https://arg-nctu.github.io
- Educational Background
- University of Massachusetts Boston, Computer Science, Ph.D
台灣大學土木所 電腦輔助工程組 碩士
台灣大學土木系 學士 - Experience
- 美國麻省理工 CSAIL 博士後研究員 2013-2016
國立交通大學電機工程系助理教授 2016 - Present - Writings
- 學位論文
- 2007 H.-C. Wang and H.-W. Ko (2007) "Automatically Generated Lessons and Practices of the Knowledge of Chinese Characters and Words," Proceeding of ED-Media (World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications), Vancouver BC, Canada.
- 2005 H.-W. Ko, M.-L. Chen, and H.-C. Wang (2005) "The Role of Word during Reading Expository Text: Evidence from Eye Movement," 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, Bern, Switzerland.
- 期刊論文
- 2023 C.-I Huang, Y.-Y. Huang, J.-X. Liu, Y.-T. Ko, H.-C. Wang*, K.-H. Chiang, L.-F. Yu (2023) “Fed-HANet: Federated Visual Grasping Learning for Human Robot Handovers,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 8(6), 3772-3779.
- 2023 H.-C. Wang*, S.-C. Huang, P.-J. Huang, K.-L. Wang, Y.-C. Teng, Y.-T. Ko, D. Jeon and I-C. Wu.(2023) "Curriculum Reinforcement Learning from Avoiding Collisions to Navigating among Movable Obstacles in Diverse Environments," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 8(5), 2740-2747.
- 研討會論文
- 2023 H.-G. Cao, I Lee, B.-J. Hsu, Z.-Y. Lee, Y.-W. Shih, H.-C. Wang, I-C. Wu*, "Image-Based Regularization for Action Smoothness in Autonomous Miniature Racing Car with Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023),
- 2022 L.-S. Yim, Quang TN Vo, C.-I. Huang, C.-R. Wang, Wren McQueary H.-C. Wang*, Haikun Huang, and L.-F. Yu (2022) "WFH-VR: Teleoperating a Robot Arm to set a Dining Table across the Globe via Virtual Reality," Accepted by IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
- 會議論文(口頭發表論文)
- 2014 H.-C. Wang, R. Namdev, C. Finn, and S. Teller (2014) "Text Spotting for the Blind and Visually Impaired," NSF Young Professional Workshop on Exploring New Frontiers in Cyber-Physical Systems , Washington D. C., USA. (Oral Presentation with Travel Grant).
- 2013 H.-C. Wang, C. Finn, B. Mattinson, R. Namdev, and S. Teller (2013) "Wearable environmental text spotting," Exhibition in Second Andrea Bocelli Foundation Challenges Workshop , MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Technical Studies