
Hsueh-Cheng Wang Associate Professor
Research Interests
Autonomous Vehicle, Field Robotics, Machine Perception, Assistive Technology
Other Contact Information
Educational Background
University of Massachusetts Boston, Computer Science, Ph.D
台灣大學土木所 電腦輔助工程組 碩士
台灣大學土木系 學士
美國麻省理工 CSAIL 博士後研究員 2013-2016
國立交通大學電機工程系助理教授 2016 - Present
  • 學位論文
    • 2007 H.-C. Wang and H.-W. Ko (2007) "Automatically Generated Lessons and Practices of the Knowledge of Chinese Characters and Words," Proceeding of ED-Media (World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications), Vancouver BC, Canada.
    • 2005 H.-W. Ko, M.-L. Chen, and H.-C. Wang (2005) "The Role of Word during Reading Expository Text: Evidence from Eye Movement," 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, Bern, Switzerland.
  • 期刊論文
    • 2023 C.-I Huang, Y.-Y. Huang, J.-X. Liu, Y.-T. Ko, H.-C. Wang*, K.-H. Chiang, L.-F. Yu (2023) “Fed-HANet: Federated Visual Grasping Learning for Human Robot Handovers,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 8(6), 3772-3779.
    • 2023 H.-C. Wang*, S.-C. Huang, P.-J. Huang, K.-L. Wang, Y.-C. Teng, Y.-T. Ko, D. Jeon and I-C. Wu.(2023) "Curriculum Reinforcement Learning from Avoiding Collisions to Navigating among Movable Obstacles in Diverse Environments," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 8(5), 2740-2747.
  • 研討會論文
    • 2023 H.-G. Cao, I Lee, B.-J. Hsu, Z.-Y. Lee, Y.-W. Shih, H.-C. Wang, I-C. Wu*, "Image-Based Regularization for Action Smoothness in Autonomous Miniature Racing Car with Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023),
    • 2022 L.-S. Yim, Quang TN Vo, C.-I. Huang, C.-R. Wang, Wren McQueary H.-C. Wang*, Haikun Huang, and L.-F. Yu (2022) "WFH-VR: Teleoperating a Robot Arm to set a Dining Table across the Globe via Virtual Reality," Accepted by IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
  • 會議論文(口頭發表論文)
    • 2014 H.-C. Wang, R. Namdev, C. Finn, and S. Teller (2014) "Text Spotting for the Blind and Visually Impaired," NSF Young Professional Workshop on Exploring New Frontiers in Cyber-Physical Systems , Washington D. C., USA. (Oral Presentation with Travel Grant).
    • 2013 H.-C. Wang, C. Finn, B. Mattinson, R. Namdev, and S. Teller (2013) "Wearable environmental text spotting," Exhibition in Second Andrea Bocelli Foundation Challenges Workshop , MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Technical Studies