Chih-Ping Lin Chief Director
Chihpin Huang Professor
Yen-Po Wang Professor
Tee-Ann Teo Professor
Meng-Chia Weng Professor
Dong-Sin Shih Professor
Chia Ming Lo Professor
Ernian Pan Professor
Vvn Weian Chao Associate Professor
Josh Tsun-Hua Yang Associate Professor
Hsueh-Cheng Wang Associate Professor
Yeou-Koung Tung Chair Professor
Tian-Yuan Shih Project Professor
Keh-Chia Yeh Visiting Professor
Yii-Wen Pan Visiting Professor
Jyh-Jong Liao Visiting Professor
Sheau-Ling Hsieh Visiting Associate Professor

Josh Tsun-Hua Yang
Associate Professor
- Research Interests
- 洪水模擬、計算流體力學、虛實整合系統在水利防災之應用
- Ext
- 54918
- tshyang@nycu.edu.tw
- Other Contact Information
- Educational Background
- 美國加州大學戴維斯分校 土木及環境工程系博士
- Experience
- 國家實驗研究院台灣颱風洪水研究中心研究員
美國MWH Americas水利工程師 - Writings
- 期刊論文
- 2023 陳立凡、楊尊華*,(2023),應用 Google Earth Engine 與 FwDET-GEE 產生淹水地圖-以台南市、嘉義縣及 屏東縣為例 ,中國土木水利工程學刊,第三十五卷 第六期。
- 2023 Wijaya, O. T., Yang, T. H.*, Hsu, H. M., & Gourbesville, P. (2023). A Rapid Flood Inundation Model for Urban Flood Analyses. MethodsX, 10, 102202.
- 2023 陳映彤、蕭學勇、楊尊華*、鄭兆尊、張雅琪,(2023),未來氣候變遷條件下之漁業損失與調適措施成 效,土木水利,第五十卷 第三期,DOI: 10.6653/MoCICHE.202306_50(3).0007。
- 2022 Tseng, K.-H.; Yang, T.-H.; Chen, P.-Y.; Chien, H.; Chen, C.-F.; Hung, Y.-C. (2022). Exploring the Feasibility of Mitigating Flood Hazards by an Existing Pond System in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Drones, 7, 1.
- 2022 Liu, C. H., Yang, T. H*., & Wijaya, O. T. (2022). Development of an Artificial Neural Network Algorithm Embedded in an On-Site Sensor for Water Level Forecasting. Sensors, 22(21), 8532.
- 2021 Wijaya, O. T. & Yang, T. H*. (2021). A novel hybrid approach based on cellular automata and digital elevation model for rapid flood assessment. Water,13(9), 1311 (SCI)
- 2020 Yang, S. C., Yang, T. H*., Chang, Y. C*., Chen, C. H., Lin, M. Y., Ho, J. Y., & Lee, K. T. (2020). Development of a hydrological ensemble prediction system to help decision-making for floods during typhoon events. Sustainability 2020, 12(10), 4258 (SCI)
- 2020 Yang, T. H., & Liu, W. C. (2020). A general overview of the risk-reduction strategies for floods and droughts. Sustainability 2020, 12(7), 2687 (SCI)
- 2020 Yang, T. H.*, Wang, C. W., & Lin, S. J. (2020). ECOMSNet – An edge computing-based sensory network for real-time water level prediction and correction. Environmental Modelling & Software, 131, September 2020, 104771 (SCI)
- 2019 T.-H. Yang, Chin-Cheng Tsai*, (2019) Using numerical weather model outputs to forecast wind gust during typhoons. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 188, 247-259 (SCI)
- 2018 Ming-Chang Wu, Sheng-Chi Yang, T.-H. Yang, Hong-Ming Kao (2018). Typhoon Rainfall Forecasting by Means of Ensemble Numerical Weather Predictions with a GA-Based Integration Strategy. Atmosphere, 9(11), 425 (SCI)
- 2018 Kwan Tun Lee, Jui-Yi Ho, Hong-Ming Kao, Gwo-Fong Lin, T.-H. Yang (2018) Using Ensemble Precipitation Forecasts and a Rainfall-Runoff Model for Hourly Reservoir Inflow Forecasting during Typhoon Periods. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2018.05.002 (SCI)
- 2018 T.-H. Yang, Sheng-Chi Yang, Hong-Ming Kao*, Ming-Chung Wu, Hao-Ming Hsu (2018) Cyber-physical-system-based smart water system to prevent flood hazards. Smart Water, doi: 10.1186/s40713-018-0008-3.
- 2017 T.-H. Yang*, G.-D. Hwang, X.-M. Huang (2017) Combine numerical rainfall forecasts and real time observation to improve early flood warnings. Advances in Hydroinformatics. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7218-5.
- 2016 T.-H. Yang*, G.-D. Hwang, C.-C. Tsai, J.-Y. Ho (2016) Using rainfall thresholds and ensemble precipitation forecasts to issue and improve urban inundation alerts. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 4731-4745.(SCI)
- 2016 T.-H. Yang*, Lei Feng, Lung-Yao Chang (2016) Improving radar estimates of rainfall using an input subset of artificial neural networks. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 10(2), 02613. (SCI)
- 2015 T.-H. Yang*, Yi-Chin Chen*, Ya-Chi Chang, Sheng-Chi Yang, Jui-Yi Ho (2015) Comparison of different grid cell ordering approaches in a simplified inundation model. Water 7.2, 438-454. (SCI)
- 2015 T.-H. Yang, S.-C. Yang, J.-Y. Ho, G.-F. Lin*, G.-D. Hwang, C.-S. Lee (2015) Flash flood warnings using the ensemble precipitation forecasting technique: a case study on forecasting floods in Taiwan caused by typhoons. Journal of Hydrology 520, 367-378. (SCI)
- 2014 Sheng-Chi Yang, T.-H. Yang* (2014) Uncertainty assessment: reservoir inflow forecasting with ensemble precipitation forecasts and HEC-HMS. Advances in Meteorology 2014. (SCI)
- 2014 T.-H. Yang*, J.-Y. Ho, G.-D. Hwang, G.-F. Lin (2014) An indirect approach for discharge estimation: a combination among micro-genetic algorithm, hydraulic model, and in situ measurement. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 39, 46-53.(SCI)
- 2014 T.-H. Yang*, Y.-C. Wang, S.-C. Tsung, W.-D. Guo (2014) Applying micro-genetic algorithm in the one-dimensional unsteady hydraulic model for parameter optimization. J Hydroinform 16.4, 772-783. (SCI)
- 2014 T.-H. Yang*, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Chang, S.-C. Yang, J.-Y. Ho, G.-D. Hwang (2014) A statistics-based and simple physics-based Model toward an operational and early flood warning system. In 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics Conference Proceeding, New York City, USA, August 17-21, 2014.
- 2011 B. A. Younis*, T.-H. Yang (2011) Prediction of the effects of vortex shedding on UV disinfection efficiency. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, 60.3. (SCI)
- 2010 B. A. Younis*, T.-H. Yang (2010) Computational modeling of UV disinfection. Water Sci Technol, 62.8. (SCI)
- 研討會論文
- 2019 Tsun-Hwa Yang, Hao-Ming Hsu, Hong-Ming Kao (2019). Integrations of an Early Warning System and Business Continuity Plan for Disaster Management in a Science Park. SimHydro 2019, June 12-14, Nice, France.
- 2018 楊尊華、曾國欣、高宏名(2018),結合遙測影像與簡易淹水模式推估都市淹水範圍之可行性評估-以貝里斯San Ignacio市為例,第37屆測量與空間研討會,中央大學太空及遙測研究中心,107年9月4-5日
- 2018 楊尊華 (2018) 主動出擊、即刻救援 - 國研院虛實整合守護台灣,2018Secutech台北國際安全科技應用博覽會,4月28-29日,南港展覽館,台北,台灣。
- 2018 T.-H. Yang*, Hong-Ming Kao, Y.-C. Chang, C.-H. Chen (2018). A preliminary test of two-way coupled WRF-HYDRO hydrometeorological forecasting system in Taiwan. APEC Typhoon Symposium, May 8-10, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2018 S.C. Yang, M.C. Wu, H.M. Kao, T.H. Yang (2018). Anomalies Detection on Hourly Precipitation. 2018 Asia Oceania Geosciences society (AOGS), 3-8 June, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- 2018 S.C. Yang, M.C. Wu, H.M. Kao, T.H. Yang (2018). An Analogical Reasoning Algorithm to Predict Water Level Based on In-situ Data. 2018 Asia Oceania Geosciences society (AOGS), 3-8 June, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- 2017 周士傑、王文清、賴進松、曾俊傑、張雅琪、何瑞益、李士強、陳政欣、張新珮、楊尊華、吳明璋、胡志銘(2017) ,縣管河川之多模式洪水預警系統-以台東縣太平溪為例 ,第 23 屆 水利工程研討會 ,2017年9月4日,台中,台灣。
- 2017 吳明璋、林忠義、王文清、曾俊傑、賴進松、楊尊華、張雅琪、周士傑、胡志銘 (2017) ,探討提高空間解析度之數值降雨預估產品對河川水位預 報的影響-以台東縣太平溪為例,106年天氣分析與預報研討會,2017年9月12日,台北,台灣。
- 2017 Tsun-Hua Yang (2017) Dayu Smart Water System. 2017 APEC Vietnam Workshop, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- 2016 蔡金成、楊尊華 (2016) 侵台颱風期間地面最大陣風速推估,2016台灣風能協會會員大會暨學術研討會,2016年12月1日,基隆,台灣。
- 2016 楊尊華 (2016)電腦輔助防災減災,2016土木工程與防災研討會,5月31日,健行科技大學,中壢,台灣。
- 2016 Tsun-Hua Yang (2016) Application of weather/climate forecasts in decision support related to preparedness works, APEC Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation Meeting, August 15-17, Lima, Peru.
- 2016 Sheng-Chi Yang, Hao-Ming Hsu, Hong-Ming Kao, Tsun-Hwa Yang (2016) Development of a smart flood warning system in urban areas: A case study of Huwei area in Taiwan. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 17- 22, Vienna, Austria
- 2015 楊尊華 (2015)電腦模式如何協助判斷都市淹水,城市風險與智慧科技應用研討會,4月28-29日,南港展覽館,台北,台灣。
- 2014 T.-H. Yang (2014) Early Warning System for Disaster Preparedness Using Ensemble Precipitation System. Workshop CORFU Taipei "Flood Resilience in Urban Areas - the CORFU Project," May 27, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2014 楊尊華 (2014) 電腦模式在災害防救上之應用,103年氣候變遷調適研討會,5月21-23日,健行科技大學,中壢,台灣。
- 2014 Li-Huan HSU, Shih-Hao SU, Sheng-Chi YANG, Tsun-Hua Yang (2014) The estimation of reservoir inflow with seasonal precipitation forecast by Model for Prediction Across Scale (MPAS). AOGS 10th Annual Meeting, July 28- August 1, Sapporo, Japan.
- 2013 T.-H. Yang, Sheng-Chi Yang, Jui-Yi Ho, Yu-Chi Wang, Gwo-Fong Lin, Kwan-Tun Lee, Cheng-Shang Lee (2013) Development and Application of a Statistics-Based Inundation Forecasting System for Disaster Preparedness in Pingtung County. 2013 APEC Typhoon Symposium - Typhoon Behavior and Its Impact in a Warming Globe, October 21-23, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2013 T.-H. Yang (2013) Developing a Statistics-Based Urban Inundation Forecasting Model for Disaster Preparedness in Pingtung County. International Young Scientists' Conference on Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, Future Earth & Sustainability, October 22-24, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2013 T.-H. Yang, Sheng-Chi Yang, Jui-Yi Ho, Yu-Chi Wang, Gwo-Fong Lin, Kwan-Tun Lee, Cheng-Shang Lee (2013) Applying Ensemble Precipitation Forecasting Techniques to Develop a Statistic-Based Urban Inundation Forecasting Model. 2013 ACTS First Workshop - Advanced Technology on Typhoon Forecasting and its Social Implications, June 6-7, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2013 T.-H. Yang, Pau-Shan Yu, Gwo-Fong Lin, Kwan-Tun Lee, Jau-Yau Lu, Nan-Hung Ding, Cheng-Shang Lee (2013) The Integrated Hydro-Metrological Technologies for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation at TTFRI. Sino-American Workshop on Computation, Uncertainty and Risk Assessment in Hydroscience and Engineering, March 13-14, Mississippi, USA.
- 2013 T.-H. Yang (2013) Integrated Modern Technologies for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. Workshop on High Performance Computing in Meteorological Application, Central Weather Bureau, January 29-30, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2011 Lisa Holm, Gene K. Lee, Nigel Quinn, Jamil S. Ibrahim, Heather Shannon, Josh Yang, Joel Herr, Katie Van Werkhoven (2011) Water Budget Analysis for Salt Management Within the Westside San Joaquin River Region, California. AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference, New Mexico, USA.
- 2011 Josh Yang, Joe Bartlett, Eric Clyde (2011) System Hydrologic and Hydraulic Performance. Floodplain Management Association Annual Conference, San Diego, USA.
- 2011 Lisa Holm, Josh Yang, Heather Shannon, Jonathon Getz, Jamil Ibrahim, Nigel Quinn, Joel Herr, Katie Van Werkhoven (2011) Resolving Hydrology Budgets for Westside Salinity Management. California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum Annual Meeting, California, USA.
- 2010 Anna Fock, Eric Clyde, Josh Yang (2010) System Wide Analysis for Flood Management Planning. Floodplain Management Association Annual Conference, Nevada, USA.
- Technical Studies